
Copyr Campus

We have created a work team made up of experienced Copyr personnel, supported by lecturers and researchers from leading Italian universities and research centres, which enables us to provide a multidisciplinary, modular and up-to-date offer of training courses in the classroom and in the field, in person and online. All designed to take into account the needs of our customers and the final market.

ISO 21001:2019 certified training courses

In 2019 Copyr attained the UNI ISO 21001:2019 certification relating to the provision of training.

In particular, our certificate bears the following specification: Learning services for non-formal education and training

Thanks to the acquisition of the certification, we are also pleased to announce the birth of the Copyr Campus School to give added value to each of our courses.

Copyr offers the possibility to organise, upon request, training courses anywhere in the country, planned on the basis of customers’ and single companies’ needs





Copyr offers a range of courses, which can be delivered in different ways: IN PERSON at its HQ or elsewhere in the COUNTRY, or ONLINE. Thanks to the competence and professionalism of our TRAINING TEAM, Copyr is also able to provide CUSTOMISED SOLUTIONS to meet the needs of the participants and offers its experience to study together the most suitable training solutions with its customers.

Contact us for a customised estimate.

Silvia Moro

Secretary, Training programme

Massimiliano Fiora

Manager, Training programme

02 390368.1

[email protected]

Are you interested in our courses?


To provide the basics of professional pest control, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal urban pests, describing the main types of products and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the implementation of an intervention plan in accordance with IPM (Integrated Pest Management) best practices.

Course duration

  • 4 hours
  • 8 hours


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person (4 hours) – €150 per person (8 hours)
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 1 February 2022 (online)
  • 4 October 2022


To provide the guiding principles of professional pest control in the food industry and set out the main regulations in the sector, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal food pests, describing the main types of products and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the implementation of an intervention plan in accordance with IPM (Integrated Pest Management), the HACCP protocol and other international standards.

Course duration

  • 4 hours
  • 8 hours


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person (4 hours) – €150 per person (8 hours)
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 1 February 2022 (online)
  • 4 October 2022


To provide the necessary basis for assistance, sales and advice for the main categories of products dedicated to professional and domestic entomological defence. Overview of the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal urban pests, a description of the types of products and and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for interventions in accordance with good practice in integrated entomological management, IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and the HACCP protocol.

Course duration



  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 3 February 2022 (online)
  • 6 October 2022


To provide the necessary basic information for service, sales and advice regarding the main product categories of home pest control, including products to protect the home, medically approved systems and biocides. To provide an overview of the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal pests, a description of the types of products and and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for interventions in accordance with good practices of integrated entomological management, IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

Course duration

  • 4h


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 3 February 2022 (online)
  • 6 October 2022


To provide the guiding principles of professional pest control in the animal husbandry sector, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal pests, describing the main types of products and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the implementation of an intervention plan in accordance with IPM (Integrated Pest Management) best practices.

Course duration

  • 8h


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 8 March 2022 (online)
  • 25 October 2022


To provide the guiding principles of professional rodent pest control and the main regulations pertaining to the sector, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of rodents, describing the main types of products and equipment used in rodent control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the realisation of an intervention plan in accordance with IPM (Integrated Pest Management) best practices.

Course duration

  • 4h


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 8 March 2022 (online)
  • 25 October 2022


To provide the basics of professional pest control, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal urban pests with particular focus on mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and ants, describing the main types of products and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the implementation of an intervention plan in accordance with good practices in integrated entomological management, IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

Course duration

  • 4h


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 10 March 2022 (online)
  • 27 October 2022


To provide the guiding principles of professional bedbug control, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of the pest, describing types of products and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the implementation of an intervention plan in accordance with IPM (Integrated Pest Management) best practices.

Course duration

  • 4h


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • 10 March 2022 (online)
  • 27 October 2022


To provide the guiding principles of pest control for professional gardeners, illustrating the systematic and ethological characteristics of the principal pests, describing types of products and equipment used in pest control and providing the basic theoretical and practical principles for the implementation of an intervention plan in accordance with good practices of integrated entomological management, IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

Course duration

  • 4h


  • in person
  • online


  • In person: €80 per person
  • Online: €50 per person (4 hours)

Free registration from the 7th participant from the same company.


  • Milan
  • Benevento

Forthcoming dates

  • TBD


Copyr’s training team

Enzo Capizzi

After studies in Geological Sciences and with experience as a professional pest controller, he became a lecturer in the field as a technical assistant and in the classroom as a speaker at conferences and courses in universities and in the sites of Italian and foreign pest controllers.

Francesco Nicassio

A graduate in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, with a PhD in Animal Pathology and Health and a Master’s in Food Safety, Certification and Communications Operator, he is a lecturer in the field as technical assistant and in the classroom as speaker at conferences and courses in universities and in the sites of Italian and foreign pest controllers.

Massimiliano Fiora

A graduate in Agricultural Sciences and with a PhD in Agricultural Ecology, he works on the development and research in the biocides and plant protection area in collaboration with universities, and national and international research bodies and test centres. The promoter of educational and training events, he is responsible for training at Copyr.

Silvia Moro

A graduate in Linguistic Mediation, she answers the Copyr switchboard and is in charge of the general administration. A lover of order, she is responsible for the course registrations and is in charge of the teaching secretariat.

Guglielmo Pampiglione (Consultant IPM)

Qualified expert in agricolture with Degree in Agricultural Sciences, PhD in Animal Pathology and Health and a Master Science Applied Entomology in Pest Management at Imperial College of London. Lecturer at Universities, USL, IZS and trade associations. He has long professional experience as a field consultant and auditor in the agro-industrial and livestock sector.

Scientific partnerships

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza

Prof. Emanuele Mazzoni

Prof. Rinaldo Nicoli Aldini

Dr.ssa Cristina Reguzzi

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Prof. Emanuele Mazzoni,
Prof. Rinaldo Nicoli Aldini,
Dr.ssa Cristina Reguzzi

Università di Foggia

Prof.ssa Antonella Di Palma

Università degli Studi di Milano

Dr. Luciano Suss

Culture della materia

Dr. Luciano Süss

Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

Prof. Francesco Porcelli

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Prof.ssa Stefania Laudonia

Centro Agricoltura Ambiente

Prof. Romeo Bellini

For more information please contact:

Silvia Moro

Teaching secretariat

Massimiliano Fiora

Responsible for training

02 390368.1

[email protected]